The film is co-produced by New York-based Killer Films, which joined the project in 2013 after Haynes's collaborator Christine Vachon approached him to direct. Indeed, EP credits for financiers, sales agents and distributors in key territories is industry standard. Grossing over $42 million on an $11 million budget, the film was praised for Haynes's direction and the performances of Blanchett and Mara, and was the best-reviewed film of 2015. As a period piece, the movie immerses us in 1950s styles and attitudes. [28][47], Another complication emerged when Wasikowska had to drop out because of a scheduling conflict. He noted that "some cinemas will refuse to book the film", but "the controversy ... will help us market Carol to the right audience", adding that he believed it would "appeal to the public way beyond the LGBT community. [144][145] In June 2017, the tribute comedy short film Carol Support Group premiered at the San Francisco International LGBTQ Film Festival. Később pedig további, mélyre elásott titok is felszínre kerül a múltból. [212][213][214][215] Nate Scott of USA Today called it "the standout snub" of the ceremony, "one made all the more ridiculous because of the bloated Best Picture field". Therese creates a portfolio of her photographs and gets a job at The New York Times. Snarker agreed that Carol may be too gay and too female "for the largely old white male voting base" to connect with. The smallest arrangement consisted of string quartets with bass, harp, piano and clarinet. Two days later he committed to direct, and Vachon joined as a producer. [226] David Ehrlich of Rolling Stone wrote that the film's "patience and precision" did not conform to Academy tastes, but its legacy "will doubtlessly survive this year's most egregious snub". [13] Ryan Gilbey of New Statesman magazine noted: "The score by Carter Burwell, laced with a snake charmer's seductiveness, swells and swoops. I would talk about that with financiers, and I could see them glaze over. [7] However, he felt it was important that what he composed induced the mood of the film and the unseen characters. To avoid going to court and the likelihood of a public scandal, she tells Harge that he can have custody of Rindy but insists on regular visitation. In a good way. During a confrontational meeting in mid-April with divorce lawyers, Carol suddenly admits to the truth of what the tapes contain, and refuses to deny her sexuality. [2][3], Burwell had received the script of Carol before the film began principal photography. [236][237][238] Phyllis Nagy replied on Twitter that, in contrast to Delta, American and United Airlines had provided the full theatrical release.[239]. [227] Todd Haynes said that he thought having two female leads was "a factor" in the omission. It wasn't possible. [199][200] Disc format bonus features include a behind-the-scenes gallery, a Q&A interview with the cast and filmmakers, and (for the UK version) limited-edition art cards. [206], In the United States, Carol premiered on premium cable channel Showtime on October 8, 2016, and on Showtime on Demand service and Showtime Anytime streaming app on October 9, 2016. [174][175] The jury stated: [Carol] seamlessly evokes the period by paying homage to the great photography of the time. Abby gives her a letter from Carol. [97][98][99] The film premiered in the United Kingdom at the BFI London Film Festival's Gala event on October 14, 2015. Matthew Samuel M Super Reviewer. [44][45][46] "What was so interesting to me when I first read this script", he said, "is how it basically links that hothouse mentality of the desiring subject ... to that of the criminal subject, in that both are these over-productive minds that are conjuring narratives constantly ... this crazy state of this furtive hyperactivity in the mind. [139][140][141][142] The screenplay was named the 19th best American screenplay of the 21st century. A Carol 2015-ben bemutatott amerikai–brit film, amelyet Todd Haynes rendezett.. A forgatókönyvet Phyllis Nagy írta. "[224] Marcie Bianco of Quartz described the film as "centered around women's desire" and structured in a way that "elevates the power of women's gaze". That evening she wrote an eight-page outline, which she developed some weeks later and had completed by 1951. "[131] Peter Howell of the Toronto Star said: "Everything clicks into place for this gorgeous achievement. Carol had been in development since 1997, when Nagy wrote the first draft of the screenplay. Out 6/24 Details +", "Carter Burwell's 'Carol' Score Getting Expanded Double Vinyl Release This Summer". [27][30] Haynes was announced as director on May 22, 2013. [58][67][68] Various locations around Cincinnati were used during production, including Downtown Cincinnati, Hyde Park, Over-the-Rhine, Wyoming, Cheviot, and Hamilton, as well as Alexandria, Kentucky. [a] Senn inspired the character of Carol Aird, but its template was inspired by her relationships with two former lovers, Philadelphia socialite Virginia Kent Catherwood and psychoanalyst Kathryn Hamill Cohen. Carol: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is the soundtrack to the 2015 film of the same name. The Front Arte and Cultura in San Ysidro opened two new exhibitions recently. Artsy is the world’s largest online art marketplace. Its per-theater average of $63,378 was the third-largest of 2015. [161] The film was projected to earn an estimated $218,000 from 16 theaters in its fifth weekend. [180] It also received nine Critics' Choice Movie Award nominations, including Best Film. "There was a different protocol then, a different etiquette, a different way people related to each other physically", she said. "[23] Nagy and Haynes were determined not to make "an agenda film" or a "look how far we've come" film. Director Todd Haynes sent him six CDs of songs from the 1950s that he and music supervisor Randy Poster had compiled. "[218], At HitFix, Louis Virtel suggested that Academy members' reception of the film was hurt by its focus on self-determined women. She meets a glamorous woman, Carol Aird, who is searching for a doll for her daughter Rindy. Carol looks at the pictures on Therese's wall including the recent one of her at the Christmas tree lot. It's a state of normal, "Phyllis Nagy: On Writing the Script for 'Carol' and Creating a Different Kind of Love Story", "Todd Haynes Explains the Cinematic Influences That Impacted His 'Carol, "Carol Press Conference in Full – Cate Blanchett & Rooney Mara", "Todd Haynes on 'Carol,' Cate and Their Refusal to Pander – AwardsLine", "Cate Blanchett & Mia Wasikowska To Star In John Crowley's Patricia Highsmith Adaptation 'Carol, "Harvey Weinstein Closes Prolific Cannes With Deals For 'Carol' And 'The Young And Prodigious Spivet, "CANNES TOLDJA! It featured prominently in several "best of" film lists, and was ranked by the British Film Institute as the best LGBT film of all time.[5]. ... That is what transcends the class of love, or the period in which it's occurring, and makes it something that just humbles us all and levels us all. Working from a carefully crafted script by Phyllis Nagy, Haynes portrays two people thirstily drinking each other in, while on the outside, they sip tea and cocktails with prim decorum. He simply released and distributed it into cinemas. The instruments he used for her were piano, clarinet and vibe. [63] In February 2014, the Greater Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky Film Commission released the solicitation from producers for extras and vintage vehicles. [5] Burwell described the character of Carol (played by Cate Blanchett) as "a cypher" and "a cool, aloof mystery". "[7] Haynes and Nagy collaborated on honing the screenplay. It also creates its own unique cinematic language and pulls the viewer deeper and deeper into a world where something as simple as love comes at a staggering cost. Jenže se píší konzervativní 50. léta. [87] Gonçalves said that the initial cut was at two and a half hours, and the final cut ended at 118 minutes. "[9] Michael Joyce of Ham&High stated: "The discrete way he underscores emotions is ideal for a tale of a love that dare not speak its name, set in a time when a lid was kept on that kind of thing. "[17], While searching for investors, Nagy and Berwin learned that the homosexuality of the characters was not as much of an obstacle as was that they were women. [8][9] The character of Therese Belivet was based on Highsmith herself. Visual effects (VFX) were used to remove modern components from backgrounds, with six "key shots" needing extensive VFX. Therese accepts Jack's ride to a party, but finds that she cannot connect with anyone. Score composed, produced, orchestrated and conducted by Carter Burwell. [6][7] It had been inspired by an encounter in 1948 between Highsmith and a blonde woman wearing a mink coat, Mrs. E.R. [93], Carol had its world premiere at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival. [37][38][e], Haynes had first heard about the film in 2012, from costume designer Sandy Powell, who informed him that Blanchett was attached and that Karlsen was producing. "[137] Stephen Whitty in the Daily News praised Carol as a "lesbian romance where nobody says the word 'lesbian'.... because this isn't just a lesbian story. Set in New York City during the early 1950s, Carol tells the story of a forbidden affair between an aspiring female photographer and an older woman going through a difficult divorce. One of the non negotiable terms of the distribution agreement, which was a standard term for TWC and Miramax distribution agreements, was an Executive Producer credit for Harvey Weinstein. "Interview: Carter Burwell on Composing "Carol" and "Hail, Caesar! Bliv medlem af Facebook, og få kontakt med Arte Carol og andre, du måske kender. After Rindy leaves, a distressed Carol takes Therese to the train station so she can return home. It was just a paring-down process, which all movies do. Part of the financing plan hinged upon a co-production deal with Canada, with filming taking place in Montreal, but Haynes joining the production led to a rethink. [219] Matthew Jacobs of The Huffington Post expressed similar sentiments and felt that the Academy's artistic tastes were "too conventional to recognize its brilliance". "It does you no service to spoon-feed a contemporary audience their own emotional codes and value systems." Join Facebook to connect with Carol Arte and others you may know. "[130] Andrew O'Hehir of Salon wrote: "From its opening shots of the autumnal, rain-swept streets of New York sometime in the middle of the last century, director Todd Haynes' magnificent new film "Carol" establishes a mood of mournful romance, half nostalgic and half ominous, that never lets go. [19] One of the challenges was translating the subjective and limited third-person viewpoint, where the narrator "sits on the shoulder of Therese and makes regular advances into (and retreats from) her head"; Carol is thus largely seen through Therese's fanatical prism. With Cate Blanchett, Rooney Mara, Sarah Paulson, Kyle Chandler. Critics praised Haynes's direction, Blanchett's and Mara's performances, cinematography, costumes and musical score, and deemed it a strong contender for a Cannes award. [94][95][96] It made its North American debut at the Telluride Film Festival on September 4, and screened at the New York Film Festival on October 9, 2015. [14][15] Nagy, who was a friend of Highsmith, wrote the first draft of the script in 1997. Carol writes to Therese, and they meet in the lounge of the Ritz Tower Hotel. [195][5] In a 2016 BBC poll of 177 critics from 36 countries, Carol was voted the 69th-best film of the 21st century. Oct 02, 2016. the girl who kicked the hetroness. [143], The admiration of Carol resulted in a fandom community that has been referred to as the "Cult of Carol". Neither he nor TWC were involved in the development of the film nor had any script, editorial, casting or other type of creative involvement in the film whatsoever. [21], At the London Film Festival, Nagy said she had titled the film Carol, and not The Price of Salt, because Highsmith herself had changed the title to Carol when the novel was republished, and she also "liked the sort of strange, obsessive nature of calling it by someone's name. She's a ghost appropriately, as she should be, in the novel", adding that she was "overwhelmed by the task of trying to come up with the visual equivalent for it structurally. "[19], Nagy set the adaptation several years later than when the novel is set, so that "the dawn of the Eisenhower administration and the rise of HUAC could be front and center". [7] For the character of Carol, she took inspiration from Grace Kelly's character in Rear Window (1954). Find the perfect Video Arte stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Harge arrives unexpectedly to take Rindy to Florida for Christmas; he becomes suspicious of Therese as Carol had an affair years before with her friend Abby. [22] Despite being completed in late 2014, producers withheld the film until 2015, to benefit from a film festival launch. "[80] The digital intermediate process was used to achieve a "very specific, slightly spoiled palette". [193] The AFI Awards jury rationale read: CAROL sets the screen aglow with the light of longing as Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara transform a period piece into a timeless cry from defiant hearts. [174], In September 2015, The Weinstein Company confirmed that it would campaign for Cate Blanchett as Lead Actress and Rooney Mara as Supporting Actress for the 88th Academy Awards. » Download Film Di Natale Libro Da Colorare Arte Dello Stile Di Vita Creativo Di Colorazione Da Un Natale Carol, Polar Express, Shrek Le E Congelati Da Condivide PDF « Our web service was introduced using a wish to work as a comprehensive online digital library that gives entry to many PDF file archive On the second night of the trip, Therese meets a traveling salesman, Tommy Tucker. [56] Carter Burwell was hired to compose the music,[57] and Edward Lachman, who had previously collaborated with Haynes, served as the director of photography. Die elegante Hausfrau Carol möchte ihrem goldenen Käfig entfliehen: Sie ist fest entschlossen, sich von ihrem wohlhabenden Ehemann Harge … Carol is based on Patricia Highsmith's 1952 semi-autobiographical romantic novel The Price of Salt. [81][f] In October 2014, Haynes and Vachon announced that it would premiere in the spring of 2015, and be released in the fall. Carol féltékeny és továbbra is szerelmes férje (Kyle Chandler) meg akarja kérdőjelezni a nő anyai rátermettségét, valamint erkölcsösségét. Carol USA 2015 Drama LGBT. Sergiu Nicolaescu îi dă viață regelui Carol, personaj pe care l-a mai interpretat și în 1978, într-un alt film al său, “Pentru patrie”. The film was pre-sold to them at Cannes five years ago, nearly two years before we finally went into production. [18] According to Nagy, Highsmith was not confident that the novel could be made into a "satisfying" film because of its "intense, subjective point of view". On review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, the film has a 94% rating based on reviews from 307 critics, and an average rating of 8.55/10. [196][197] In November 2019, The New York Times named it one of the favorite films of the 2010s, with critic A. O. Scott remarking, "It keeps taking me by surprise. [199] The film was released on DVD, Blu-ray and video on demand on March 15, 2016, in the United States by Anchor Bay Entertainment, and on March 21, 2016, in the United Kingdom by StudioCanal. Carol (fon.Kerol) je britansko-američka romantična drama snimljena 2015. godine u režiji Todda Haynesa.Autor scenarija je Phyllis Nagy na osnovu romana Patricie Highsmith Cijena soli (također poznat kao Carol ).U filmu glume Cate Blanchett, Rooney Mara, Sarah Paulson, i Kyle Chandler.Radnja se dešava 1952. godine u New Yorku, a film je priča o mladoj ambicioznoj … [30][74][75][76] Filming was completed after 34 days on May 2, 2014. In sly and subversive fashion, Haynes is laying bare the tensions in a society that refuses to acknowledge 'difference' of any sort. [69][77] Edward Lachman shot Carol on Super 16 mm film using 35 mm format lenses. Carol shows up at Therese's apartment stating she needs a drink and hopes that her refrigerator contains more than just film canisters. In 1990, Highsmith agreed to republish with Bloomsbury Publishing under her own name, and retitled it Carol. [51][52] The following month, Cory Michael Smith was cast as Tommy, and Jake Lacy as Richard. [7] In 2015, Berwin said that, in those days, it was a risky idea to play the role of Carol. ... New York Film Critics Circle Awards 2015 : Meilleur film, Meilleur réalisateur, Meilleur scénario, Meilleure photographie ... New York, hiver 1952. Der kommer nu til dags utallige film ud om kærlighed, og mindst ligeså mange om homoseksualitet, og sjældent har jeg fundet en film, der beskriver kærlighed så godt, som Carol gør det. [25] Nagy drew from her personal knowledge of Highsmith for Therese, describing one of Therese's lines, "I started taking pictures of people because my friend says I have to be more interested in humans", as the epitome of Highsmith: "that ability to step outside of life and comment on it before participating in it". [6] Burwell began recording the track titled "Opening". [58], In rehearsal, Haynes, Blanchett and Mara realized that certain lines should be cut, which Haynes deemed the "stylistic practice that we all took throughout the creative departments. [216] Nico Lang of The A.V. In fact it insists on not being that in order to make the point. Number 9 Films came on board as a producer in 2011, when Elizabeth Karlsen secured the rights to the novel. "[11] On Combustible Celluloid, Jeffery M. Anderson commented that the score was "perfect" for the film. [178] It received nine BAFTA Award nominations, including Best Film. [194], In March 2016, the British Film Institute named Carol the best LGBT film of all time, according to over one hundred film experts in a poll encompassing over eighty years of cinema. [189][190] It was awarded the GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Film – Wide Release. A New York, en 1952, une jeune vendeuse timide et aspirante photographe et une grande bourgeoise en instance de divorce s'éprennent l'une de l'autre. And still do, to this day, actually. No one frets about being gay; others fret on their behalf...I also found Highsmith's notions of what makes a good mother to be quite radical—the choices that people have to make in order to make the lives of their children better seemed really fresh, and radical. "[128] David Stratton of The Australian wrote: "The meeting of these two women is an electrifying scene; their eyes make contact, and nothing of significance is said, apart from the usual interaction between shopper and shop assistant, but Haynes and his wonderful actors make it very clear that something momentous has occurred—love at first sight. "[10] In his review for San Francisco Chronicle, Mick LaSalle wrote: "while underscoring [interior] scenes comes the sound of piped-in organ music ... that is just a little bit weird. Facultatea de Arte și Design reprezintă astăzi cel mai important pivot al dinamicii educației, creației și cercetării câmpului artistic din partea de vest a tării, prin strategia proprie de dezvoltare ce vizează o curriculă actualizată constant, consonantă cu universitățile spațiului European.. Istoric. "[89], The soundtrack was released in both digital download and CD album format by Varèse Sarabande on November 20, 2015,[90] followed by a double album vinyl release on June 24, 2016. [171] Carol was the "overall favorite" on IndieWire's critics' poll of the best films and performances from the New York Film Festival, topping the Best Narrative Feature, Best Director, Best Lead Performance (Blanchett and Mara), Best Screenplay, and Best Cinematography categories. Carol calls Frankenberg's to thank the clerk who returned the gloves, and invites Therese to lunch. The film had a troubled development period, facing problems with financing, rights, scheduling conflicts, and accessibility. Performed by Vince Giordano & The Nighthawks: Rooney Mara performed "Easy Living" on the piano. According to Burwell, there are three main themes in the score that communicate visual language. Burwell wrote open intervals such as the fourth, fifth and ninth, to hide the sentiment. Senn (Kathleen Wiggins Senn), whilst she was working as a Christmas season salesgirl at the toy department of Bloomingdale's in New York. She also considered that the successes of the LGBT rights movement in the U.S. may have partly been responsible for the lack of "political urgency" around the film. [4][3] In the United Kingdom, the film earned £540,632 ($812,000) in its opening weekend from 206 screens, ranking Number seven of the top ten films for the weekend. [114] The Metrograph independent cinema in New York hosted a special 35 mm screening event, followed by a Q&A with Haynes, Vachon and Lachman. "[33] Costume Designer Sandy Powell said of working with Haynes, "Todd is super visual, super prepared and he provides his own visuals at the beginning of the film. The film was selected to compete for the Palme d'Or at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival, where it won the Queer Palm and Mara tied for the Best Actress award. Their eyes meet. The music heard in the opening city scene depicts the "active engagement and passion" of Carol and Therese (played by Rooney Mara), conveying something about the characters before they are seen. [217] Jason Bailey of Flavorwire said that most Best Picture nominees that include gay themes "put them firmly in the realm of subplots". "[134] Anita Katz from the San Francisco Examiner said: "Haynes triumphs in his quest to make a sweeping romantic melodrama with social substance at the core. [162][163] Carol then expanded to 180 theaters. [8] Stefan Ellison wrote in The Scene Magazine: "Carter Burwell's score is a beautiful piece, representing Carol and Therese's romance so well and never becoming overbearing, but rather a natural part of the environment. "During its development, there was a very different kind of lesbian or gay movie that got financed", Nagy said. Carol is a 2015 romantic drama period film directed by Todd Haynes. [31], The vinyl version of the soundtrack is divided into two, double-sided, 10-inch discs: "Album One − The Score" and "Album Two − The Songs", and features three additional song tracks not released on the compact disc:[2][3], Songs and music not featured on soundtrack CD, Legend: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, Anomalisa: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, List of accolades received by Carol (film), "#CarolMovie Soundtrack deluxe double 10" LP w/ 3 bonus songs! [172][173] Lachman was awarded the grand prize for Best Cinematography by the Camerimage International Film Festival. Therese visits Dannie and he kisses her, but she becomes uncomfortable and leaves. We both have an interest in restraint. Yes, I would like to receive the newsletter. Carol je britsko-americký romantický a dramatický film z roku 2015.Režie se ujal Todd Haynes a scénáře Phyllis Nagy.Snímek se inspiroval romantickou novelou Cena soli (později vydávaná jako Carol) od Patricie Highsmithové.Ve filmu hrají Cate Blanchettová, Rooney Mara, Sarah Paulsonová, Jake Lacy a Kyle Chandler.Film se odehrává v New Yorku na začátku roku 1950, … It is a film composed of gestures and glances, its delicacy a veiled promise of abandon. And Mara is flawless ... [it's] a romantic spellbinder that cuts deep. And it could not exist without the extraordinary performances of Blanchett and Mara.
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