will they contribute to my offline progress as well? The first time you reach a multiple of 100 floors, you earn Floor/10 Perk Points. > *Originally posted by **[Plasmatique](/forums/984525/topics/1687150?page=1#12757374)**:* In an "infinite" tower, knowing that you can get 50 or 100 boost drops 5 floors down would help in informing where to farm in the tower. :( cause it should, imho. You don't get drop offline right now, and I am not asking for offline drop at all. NGU IDLE > General Discussions > Topic Details. You should get either or, or am I missing something? > DowntownApartments Quallity and modern apartments in center of Belgrade . The Infinite Tower of Pissed-Off Dudes! is there a calculator or tool i can use to figure out how long my respawn is? Btw, i strongly agree with the post. Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Enemies have between 588 * 1.05lvl and 612 * 1.05lvl hp and 9.8 * 1.05lvl to 10.2 * 1.05lvl defense. same for NGU speed bonus/magic power & etc. to go on? 20 Perk Points at floor 200 3. etc. > What you're saying is, offline you want both ITOPOD progress as well as the regular gold, levels, drops, etc. #1. Quest and earn an exclusive shiny kongpanion + 10 kreds Basically, it's not a matter of choice, the tower lets you earn perk points (+ titan ap/exp), outside you don't earn anything (+ titan ap/exp), so every time you forget (or are forced off by power cuts for example) to enter the tower before closing you lose progress (comparatively). Get your games in front of thousands of users while monetizing through ads and virtual goods. > *Originally posted by **[funiax](/forums/984525/topics/1687150?page=1#12752849)**:* There is no restriction to when we can enter ITOPOD, there is no risk of staying in ITOPOD, and there is no other place to choose to stay in that would bring other benefit. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. NGU IDLE. By purchasing The Pack of Pissed Off Dudes (565 Kreds or $60 on Steam), you can have your name appear in the ITOPOD. i wont be able to land on 69 for first challange I got my apathy ring to 100. Every 1,000,000 "progress" earns 1 Perk Point. If I leave PP/EXP diggers will I farm more in ITOPOD while offline compared to when they're off? If you go offline in a normal area (Rest Area, for example), ITOPOD kills arent counted. The loot termed as "Equipment" can also have an impact on the stats of the account overall (such as Power which can influence Attack under the stats section, etc.). NGU IDLE. Additional scaling multipliers are available through NGU PP, the PP Digger and PP Hacks. You should get either or, or am I missing something? With our publishing program, we can help get your games to millions of users on multiple platforms! 1 Perk Point at floor 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90. But what I would like more is to be able to go offline outside the tower and still get item drops of (at least) equipped items, or even just boost drops. Complete Initialization for 10 kreds Round 1-3 were relatively short but Round 4 (to boss 55 ) took 8+ hours and Round 5 (to boss 60) took 12+ hours. Idle bonus (as shown in tooltip over the "Idle mode" button in Adventure): Assuming Spoopy (set) maxxed, there's no chance to one-hit below 331 * 1.05lvl power, and 100% chance to kill everything on first hit with over 515 * 1.05lvl power. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. MacGuffin ITOPOD Drops! Home; ADA; BRANKOW 14; BRANKOW 22; BRANKOW 32; KALEMEGDAN For a full list of perks, see Perk Points. NGU speed! When you go offline, you are automatically sent to the ITOPOD if you have unlocked it. With SADISTIC NEC completed, the power range is between 277 * 1.05lvl (0% one-hits) and 430 * 1.05lvl (100% one-hits). DowntownApartments Quallity and modern apartments in center of Belgrade . There is no restriction to when we can enter ITOPOD, there is no risk of staying in ITOPOD, and there is no other place to choose to stay in that would bring other benefit. What you're saying is, offline you want both ITOPOD progress as well as the regular gold, levels, drops, etc. I don't understand why we need to be in ITOPOD to get offline progress. Go for the newbie perks, then the energy and magic boosts that are first-second row. Nov 28, 2019 @ 8:50am Offline ... auto kill is in the settings you can turn it off but there is no way to get drops offline outside of itopod were it specificly says it #2. ITOPOD works offline just as well as online I believe. same for NGU speed bonus/magic power & etc. will they contribute to my offline progress as well? Offline Beard Progress incorrectly figures how long it takes to reach magic cap NGU cap buttons don't work properly when BB costs > 9e18 Something is weird with the boss multi math in sadistic NGU Augment tooltip lists incorrect total bonus Heal tooltip does not reflect Move Cooldown bonus Perk Points can be earned by gaining 1,000,000 progress points or by reaching floor milestones. My basic training and time machine advance as expected, but I don't get a single tower kill, and thus no exp or pp progress. NGU IDLE - Beginners Guide (Tips and Tricks) Basically every tip and trick I could think of that a player might find helpful/need to know. Having to stay online for maxing items and boosting them is feels opposite to idle. Cost: 50 PP; Improved MacGuffin ITOPOD Drops 1, 2 & 3 : Reduces the number of kills up to 55% (multiplicative reductions of 20%, 25% and 25% for … PP is really scarce and I don't think I can afford to lose more PP like that. Offline ITOPOD and Titan kills now properly factor in Red Liquid's set bonus. You should get either or, or am I missing something? Every floor's enemies have 1.05x the stats of the previous floor's enemies. Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Find documentation and support to get you started. Take advantage of ad-free gaming, cool profile skins, automatic beta access, and private chat with Kong Plus. Currently, for ITOPOD progress, we need to go into ITOPOD, then save, then go offline. Brown heart - Seed gain! So unless I set up some HUGE % cap on the NGU window (200%?) To gain offline progress to PP, we need to be in ITOPOD before saving and going offline. So unless I set up some HUGE % cap on the NGU window (200%?) NGU IDLE. However, certain site features may suddenly stop working and leave you with a severely degraded experience. Once unlocked, theycan be fought any time so long asthey are not in cooldown (aka "respawn" time). I'd also agree, especially since you don't get anything from the adventure feature while offline outside of the tower outside of the exp and ap from auto-kill on titans that still happen even in the tower anyway. Receive a 1000% Bonus to Attack/Defense, 15% to Adventure Stats, 20% Aug Speed bonus, and 20% NGU Speed Bonus. Idle damage is between 0.8 * (power - enemy_defense / 2) * idle_bonus and 1.2 * (power - enemy_defense / 2) * idle_bonus. What you are missing is that you don't get drops or gold offline anyway (and it's not new), the only thing you get is the exp and AP from the auto-kill on titans (but not their drops or gold either and you do auto kill titans from the tower just the same). If you die or defeat ten enemies on your end floor, you'll immediately go back to your start floor. i have 13.78% respawn from rings, and ngu respawn at 500 for 79.75%. Menu . Auto attack offline takes 1s even if you have it down to 0.8s online, meaning a bit less enemies killed in itopod offline. > Honestly, since it calculates what we would one shot for us when offline, we really should just have a button to move us to the proper one shot level while online as well as long as we have it as an option. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... AP and PP are all gained normally and when you unlock macguffins from itopod you get them from offline itopod as well. ITOPOD becomes primary grind place after you can reliably one-shot floor 350+ also that seems wrong or lucky RNG for you, ITOPOD drops at a flat 14% rate no matter what, and Mega Lands caps at 15% for boosts for normal enemies and 0% for bossses (so a 12% effective rate) 1 Perk Point is awarded every time you earn 1,0… 2 Perk Points at floor 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190. NGU's levels Part2. We've developed a suite of premium Outlook features for people with advanced email and calendar needs. Hide the progress bar forever? Everyone likes numbers that go up. #7. Every time i get a ring its +2.. does that mean i cant do the beast mission ? To gain offline progress to PP, we need to be in ITOPOD before saving and going offline. same for NGU speed bonus/magic power & etc. No, Get more out of your Kongregate experience. > *Originally posted by **[Xymnala](/forums/984525/topics/1687150?page=1#12763564)**:* It has already been once that I forgot to stay in ITOPOD before going offline, losing a few PP. 10 Perk Points at floor 100 2. Access Google Drive with a free Google account (for personal use) or Google Workspace account (for business use). The first 24-hour challenge is exactly the same as a basic challenge under 24 hours, except the game will no longer run offline. Menu . to go on? Do Gold diggers work offline? NGU IDLE. Perk points are all well and good, but compared to getting a new set and maxing it out it loses out, especially since a better set would let you farm the tower at a higher floor in addition to the stronger boosts. Congratulations! Also, I dunno if it'd defeat the spirit of finding things out or has any chance of implementation, but it would be kinda nice to be able to hover over the zone name (in this case, just the The ITOPOD text) and see which type of boosts a floor drops. 1. just before going offline You earn (200 + Floor) [(700+floor) for evil difficulty and (2000+floor) for SADISTIC difficulty] "progress" per dude killed, modified by the set bonus for Pissed Off Key (10%), My Green Heart (20%), and Pretty Pink Princess set (10%). it's not long, but i want to know how long it is so i can put it into sanc's pp calculator ... ITOPOD: Whenever your going offline, just hit optimal floor. No offline ITOPOD progress I'm not sure if this is caused by an ingame setting, but when I load the game after being offline for a few hours, I have no ITOPOD progress. It seems to figure out optimal level itself. ITOPOD online instead offline overnight to boosts stats! I'm writing it again, hopefully it's not a repeat or repost. It also applies to idle Questing! Strongly agree here. e.g. Titans are boss enemies in Adventure Mode that are tougher and have their own adventure zone. Boosts dropped in ITOPOD are level 1 (good to max out boosts twice as quickly). **7)** You never lose NGU levels *or progress* when rebirthing, so it's OK if you can't hit a new level this rebirth -- use as much Energy on them as you can spare. Defeating a Titan will grant EXP points and various inventory items such as equipment, accessories,boosts or consumables. All Discussions ... Because there is no equipment dropped in itopod you typically don't want to spend time there when you could be farming a zone for its equipments or boosts but when you already have a fully levelled and boosted set and can't quite reach the next zone yet it is a good place to go. All Discussions ... Because there is no equipment dropped in itopod you typically don't want to spend time there when you could be farming a zone for its equipments or boosts but when you already have a fully levelled and boosted set and can't quite reach the next zone yet it is a good place to go. It would be different if something else could happen while offline outside of the tower, but as it stands it's just a pure loss if you forget before closing the game. The first time you reach a multiple of 100 levels, you earn Floor/10 Perk Points. A-TIER: GREAT ITEMS; Accessory slots: NEVER COULD GET ENOUGH, COULD YA Farm in The Sky (6th zone) for the Pissed Off Key, then CTRL-click on it to unlock the tower. Preferably another one that rises that chance close from the online chance too, but also not necessarily. These enemies are of the type "charge" and "rapid". You’ve completed your Kongregate account! You can select which floors to fight in, with your start floor ranging from 0 to 1 below the highest floor you've reached, and your end floor going all the way up to 1600. Even as it came out I was very suprised to find out this uneeded anti-fun mechanism of getting into the tower before going offline. Play NGU IDLE As always, up to you where/what you do as it’s all useful, just avoid the rich persons PP dump adventure boost up for a long time. Poop 10% better! Yes You'll need to spend a lot on adventure improvements: NGU Adv A and B, Adv perk, Adv quirk and also tons of Adv Hack. : Makes fragments also drop in the ITOPOD at a drop a rate of one per ITOPOD 5000 kills. For Tier >= 3, the base EXP reward is [(Tier - 1) * (Tier - 2) + 2]. A-TIER: GREAT ITEMS; Accessory slots: NEVER COULD GET ENOUGH, COULD YA Easy Infinity Cube tiers! We strongly urge all our users to upgrade to modern browsers for a better experience and improved security. Probably because it's easier to calculate PP based on your loop settings than to math out the optimum/reasonable amount based on your ever changing stats. Kongregate free online game NGU IDLE - Everyone likes numbers that go up. Blue heart - ALL CONSUMABLES, INCLUDING POOP are better by 10%! Kaas Chuig. Don't see any reason to explicitly enter ITOPOD before leaving. > *Originally posted by **[Plasmatique](/forums/984525/topics/1687150?page=1#12757374)**:* Try out NGU Idle today and experience the joy of Numbers Going Up! Every 1,000,000 "progress" earns 1 Perk Point. Change Exam Center for Dec:2020 Offline (Only for Uchchhal-ઉચ્છલ Center) https://www.ngu.ac.in NGU Idle is an adventure-based idle game that is an actively ongoing creation made by Somethingggg (aka 4G) and you can play it on Kongregate, Armor Games, Kartridge, or Steam(PC only)! There is no restriction to when we can enter ITOPOD, there is no risk of staying in ITOPOD, and there is no other place to choose to stay in that would bring other benefit. > Probably because it's easier to calculate PP based on your loop settings than to math out the optimum/reasonable amount based on your ever changing stats Honestly, since it calculates what we would one shot for us when offline, we really should just have a button to move us to the proper one shot level while online as well as long as we have it as an option. To one hit enemy, damage must be greater or equal to enemy hp, so we get inequality, From which we can calculate power required. btw i dont understand why r u guyz leaving itopod at all :) im gonna spend month in it grinding perk points Blue heart - ALL CONSUMABLES, INCLUDING POOP are better by 10%! Expand your Outlook. Yeah, you guys are right. Filter Boosts into Infinity Cube - QoL! It can mostly be skipped. I don't understand why we need to be in ITOPOD to get offline progress. A Microsoft 365 subscription offers an ad-free interface, custom domains, enhanced security options, the full desktop version of Office, and 1 TB of cloud storage. Brown heart - Seed gain! Fight your way up to higher floors forever, earning Perk Points, Experience, Boosts, and Arbitrary Points along the way. His aim in the adventure is to unlock the ITOPOD. I think the problem here is the game literally divided my power /2 asap I went offline and recalculated NGU levels rate, dropping it to 25/s. > "The Fu Manchu" and "The Reverse Hitler" Beard's permament levels (at least noticable bonuses). 1 Perk Point at floor 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90. to go on? What does this mean for me? > btw i dont understand why r u guyz leaving itopod at all :) im gonna spend month in it grinding perk points Home; ADA; BRANKOW 14; BRANKOW 22; BRANKOW 32; KALEMEGDAN Play NGU IDLE Preferably affected by boost bonuses and recycle, but not even necessarily. The game will always load your browser's last cache memory on your current PC hence losing progress when switching PC's. g My basic training and time machine advance as expected, but I don't get a single tower kill, and thus no exp or pp progress. That's a good one. https://ngu-idle.fandom.com/wiki/ITOPOD?oldid=20993, with SADISTIC No equipment challenge - idle bonus = 1.8. > I don't understand why we need to be in ITOPOD to get offline progress. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. > *Originally posted by **[dlilb](/forums/984525/topics/1687150?page=1#12754666)**:* > *Originally posted by **[mokyikiu](/forums/984525/topics/1687150?page=1#12752728)**:* Go for the newbie perks, then the energy and magic boosts that are first-second row. > Why does 4G make it so that we have to stay in ITOPOD to get offline progress? X You earn (200 + Floor) [(700+floor) for evil difficulty and (2000+floor) for SADISTIC difficulty] "progress" per dude killed, modified by the set bonus for Pissed Off Key (10%), My Green Heart (20%), Pretty Pink Princess set (10%), and Halloweenie set (45%). Added special Challenge rewards to challenges in Evil difficulty that were missing some! I left game with 175/175 and it farmed offline on 173. You will always be able to play your favorite games on Kongregate. +1 to auto offline ofc. 100 Level challenge, No Equipment Challenge, and No Augs challenge affected! e.g. For me, it's mostly about going to mega land to fetch an inventory full of 100 boosts every now and then because UGG's rings are still levelling up and they eat through boosts really fast. No offline ITOPOD progress I'm not sure if this is caused by an ingame setting, but when I load the game after being offline for a few hours, I have no ITOPOD progress. Contribute to kujan/NGU-scripts development by creating an account on GitHub. ngu idle itopod. I'll remove that requirement in the next patch. ITOPOD: Whenever your going offline, just hit optimal floor. I wrote up a post but it looks like it was deleted. 11 months ago. does it work in challenges where offline progress is disabled? First, visit The Godmother’s Titan page and defeat the first mob (The Consigliere) there, which will drop the Death Note telling you who to kill. Do Gold diggers work offline? If I leave PP/EXP diggers will I farm more in ITOPOD while offline compared to when they're off? 2. I mean, it's not a huge deal to save and reload, see where it put me and go there, but it's a rather silly and unnecessary step. This perk grants a tiny, tiny chance that the Pissed Off Dudes in the ITOPOD drop poop. after clearing 1st challenge, get some magic NGU's, at least number NGU. Your use of Kongregate’s Services is subject to our revised Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy and User Agreement. ITOPOD online instead offline overnight to boosts stats! > What you're saying is, offline you want both ITOPOD progress as well as the regular gold, levels, drops, etc. When you get above level 100 in ITOPOD, it becomes a way to get xp over time in longer runs, which will help you break through to harder adventure zones. quick ngu question that's puzzling the bejesus out of me i have stats ... Yeah, I figured the ITOPOD was why I get more experience when offline. You’ve completed your Kartridge quest! An open platform for all web games! #1. Nuttenwürger69. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... At that point it will also automatically farm itopod while you are offline, you would not get boost drops from that but exp, AP and PP are all gained normally and when you unlock macguffins from itopod you get them from offline itopod as well. e.g. Like adding a wish that gives you a x% chance per ITOPOD enemy killed offline to get some boost added to your infinity cube. PP is really scarce and I don't think I can afford to lose more PP like that. Keep exploring Kongregate with more badges and games! NGU Idle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Wish 1 is recommended as the second. NGU's levels. Nov 6, 2020 | Plumbing. Register or sign in to start receiving activity updates from around Kongregate! Oooh. I think the problem here is the game literally divided my power /2 asap I went offline and recalculated NGU levels rate, dropping it to 25/s. Shows magnitude rather than exact value, see, With SADISTIC No equipment challenge bonus. Do Gold diggers work offline? NGU's Adventure mode is essentially a mini-game within the game in which a character can progress and acquire loot that allows for them to get even further into the game. Filter Boosts into Infinity Cube - QoL! NGU Idle is a Free To Play Idle game that's full of weird humor, tons of upgrades and hundreds of hours of content! Additional scaling multipliers are available through NGU PP, the PP Digger and PP Hacks. 2 Perk Points at floor 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190 3. etc. Poop 10% better! Every ten enemies you defeat will advance you one floor. NGU speed! > +1 to auto offline ofc Perk points are awarded the first time you reach every 10th floor, increasing by 1 every 100 floors 1. I was around actively on the computer for Round 1-3, and away from computer for Round 4 and 5. I'm idling in the Base, trying to max the Magitek set, after which I was going to stop aiming for set completion until I get the fancy Diggers I hear tell of. If I leave PP/EXP diggers will I farm more in ITOPOD while offline compared to when they're off? Huillam. I tried the No Rebirth (NRB) challenges this past weekend. Often the browser implementation will slow down the game’s clock. You should get either or, or am I missing something? will they contribute to my offline progress as well? We suggest you install the latest version of one of these browsers: To enhance your user experience, support technical features, and personalize content and ads, this site uses cookies. Also check our developers blog, where we publish new content weekly on game/data analysis, engineering and design insights, and more. It has already been once that I forgot to stay in ITOPOD before going offline, losing a few PP. Its a QOL suggestion to automatically calculate ITOPOD once you go offline, does not affect current gameplay balance at all. What should I do? Learn more ». > > To gain offline progress to PP, we need to be in ITOPOD before saving and going offline. 15%. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Why does 4G make it so that we have to stay in ITOPOD to get offline progress? Recent Reviews: Overwhelmingly Positive (255) - 96% of the 255 user reviews in the last 30 days are positive. Boost drop chance is flat 14% (not affected by drop chance bonus). 5) NGU idle, like most unity games, does NOT like to be minimized or put in a background tab. Spend your hard earned kreds on some of these games! You need at least level 400 or 500 in augments, wandoos, gold and power (not adventure power). Easy Infinity Cube tiers! Complete the > *Originally posted by **[Plasmatique](/forums/984525/topics/1687150?page=1#12757374)**:* The main drawback is that you don’t get any item drops in adventure during offline progress. Fairly easy, when you are still farming a zone for its drops or reached the stats for the next, you would want to stop going to the tower and farm said zone. 1 Tips For New Players 1.1 Tick Rate 1.2 Saving Game Progress 2 Starting Out 2.1 Experience and Rebirths 2.1.1 How to Spend EXP Early 2.2 Adventure and Inventory 2.2.1 Using the Inventory 2.2.2 Adventure Stats 2.3 Augmentation 2.4 Money Pit 2.5 Advanced Training 2.6 Time Machine 2.7 Blood Magic 2.8 A 200 Exp Secret 3 Boss 58 To The First Titan 3.1 ITOPOD, and the Newbie Perks …
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