The Monnet Plan of 1946 was closely based on Vichy plans. Journal of European Social Policy 25.1 (2015): 32–49. Three main arguments are put forward: Julian T. Jackson wrote that "There seems little doubt, therefore, that at the beginning Vichy was both legal and legitimate." They were aided by the absence of popular, charismatic figures who might have opposed them, such as Georges Mandel and Édouard Daladier, then aboard the ship Massilia on their way to North Africa and exile. But nevertheless, girls should preferably exercise the virtues of patience, persistence and resignation. These reforms have been cited as evidence of a continuity of the French administration before and after the war. [124] "I will not apologize in the name of France. The French government also had responsibility for preventing French citizens from escaping into exile. On the other hand, technocrats such as Jean Bichelonne and engineers from the Groupe X-Crise used their position to push various state, administrative, and economic reforms. Although this claim is rejected by the rest of the French population and by the state itself, another myth remains more widespread than this one. The exact strength of the Vichy French Metropolitan Army was set at 3,768 officers, 15,072 non-commissioned officers, and 75,360 men. The queues lengthened in front of shops. Others, like Joseph Darnand, were strong anti-Semites and overt Nazi sympathizers. Nevertheless, de Gaulle convinced Churchill to allow his forces to participate, although de Gaulle was forced to agree to a joint British and Free French proclamation promising that Syria and Lebanon would become fully independent at the end of the war. Furthermore, his career after the war, which led him to be successively prefect of the Paris police during the Algerian War (1954–1962) and then treasurer of the Gaullist Union des Démocrates pour la République party from 1968 to 1971, and finally Budget Minister under president Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and prime minister Raymond Barre from 1978 to 1981, was symptomatic of the quick rehabilitation of former collaborationists after the war. They also enforced requirements that Jews not appear in public places and ride only on the last car of the Parisian metro. 2, defining the authority of the chief of the French state", "Actes constitutionnels du Gouvernement de Vichy, 1940–1944, France, MJP, université de Perpignan", "Les ÉFO dans la Seconde Guerre Mondiale : la question du ralliement et ses conséquences", "Le Bataillon d'infanterie de marine et du Pacifique (BIMP)", "Document 3: le choix des Nouvelles-Hébrides", "Eight Allied Ships Sunk Off French Guiana",, Extraits de l'entretien d'Annie Rey-Goldzeiguer, "Discretionary Power in the Hands of an Authoritarian State: A Study of Denaturalizations under the Vichy Regime (1940–1944)", Aincourt, camp d'internement et centre de tri, "Saline royale d'Arc et Senans (25) – L'internement des Tsiganes", "Listes des internés du camp des Milles 1941", Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration, "Vichy discrimination against Jews in North Africa", "Jewish population of French North Africa", "Jews in North Africa: Oppression and Resistance", "Jews in North Africa after the Allied Landings", "The Holocaust: Re-examining The Wannsee Conference, Himmler's Appointments Book, and Tunisian Jews", Alexis Carrel, the Unknown: Eugenics and Population Research under Vichy, "Vichy mentally ill patients 'were not murdered, Eugenics in France (1913–1941) : a review of research findings, "Quand le négationnisme s'invite à l'université", Le rôle du gouvernement de Vichy dans la déportation des juifs. The capital Libreville was bombed and captured. The long-term goal was to clear German and Italian forces from North Africa, enhance naval control of the Mediterranean, and prepare for an invasion of Italy in 1943. The internments in Norway and Netherlands, meanwhile, were highly temporary and were rather indiscriminate; there was a brief internment peak in these countries as internment was used partly for the purpose of separating Collaborationists from non-Collaborationists. L'Assemblée nationale de 1789 souhaitait simplement redistribuer le pouvoir politique, uniformiser le droit et soumettre le Roi à une constitution écrite. [106], The Foundation initiated studies on demographics (Robert Gessain, Paul Vincent, Jean Bourgeois), nutrition (Jean Sutter), and housing (Jean Merlet), as well as the first polls (Jean Stoetzel). The Vichy regime sought an anti-modern counter-revolution. [32] The Révolution nationale together with Pétain's policy of la France seule ("France alone") were meant to "regenerate" France from la décadence that was said to have destroyed French society and brought about the defeat of 1940. [164], President Macron's statement on 16 July 2017 was even more specific, stating clearly that the Vichy regime was certainly the French State during WW II, and played a role in the Holocaust. According to Jackson, de Gaulle's Free French acknowledged the weakness of its case against Vichy's legality by citing multiple dates (16 June, 23 June and 10 July) for the start of Vichy's illegitimate rule, implying that at least for some period of time, Vichy was not yet illegitimate. Among the 150,000 French Jews, about 30,000, generally native from Central Europe, had been naturalised French during the 1930s. Faites constamment aux autres le bien que vous voudriez en recevoir. À la suite de l’assassinat de la rédaction du journal hebdomadaire satirique Charlie Hebdo, la marche du 11 janvier 2015 rassemble près de 2 000 000 de personnes à Paris et 1 500 000 dans le reste de la France, notamment pour défendre la liberté d’expression. [85] The United States also resented the Free French taking control of St Pierre and Miquelon on 24 December 1941, because, Secretary of State Cordell Hull believed, it interfered with a U.S.-Vichy agreement to maintain the status quo with respect to French territorial possessions in the western hemisphere. Finally, after Pétain's proclamation of the "French State" and the beginning of the implementation of the "Révolution nationale" (National Revolution), the French administration opened up many concentration camps, to the point that, as historian Maurice Rajsfus writes, "The quick opening of new camps created employment, and the Gendarmerie never ceased to hire during this period. Among artists, singer Tino Rossi was detained in Fresnes prison, where, according to Combat newspaper, prison guards asked him for autographs. Vichy French colonial forces were reduced in accordance with the terms of the Armistice; still, in the Mediterranean area alone, Vichy had nearly 150,000 men under arms. La nouvelle constitution rédigée par Michel Debré puis telle que pratiquée de 1958 à 1974 par Charles de Gaulle et son Premier ministre — puis successeur — Georges Pompidou, se traduit par un renforcement significatif du pouvoir exécutif au détriment du pouvoir législatif. Elle devient une adhésion spirituelle personnelle qui revendique son expression individuelle dans l’espace public et attend que l’autorité publique assure sa sécurité[4]. Elective bodies were replaced by nominated ones. [citation needed]. He always said no." Livraison gratuite! Le rôle de la deuxième chambre, élue au suffrage indirect , est de tempérer les mouvements de la première chambre, élue au suffrage direct. [85] On the day of the Liberation of France, the GPRF would harshly repress a rebellion in Algeria during the Sétif massacre of 8 May 1945, which has been qualified by some historians as the "real beginning of the Algerian War". Le mandat présidentiel est finalement réduit de 7 à 5 ans, soit la durée d'une législature. Le quinquennat et la réforme constitutionnelle de 2008 favorisent l'émergence de nouveaux débats sur l'équilibre des pouvoirs. Thus, by July 1940, Vichy was eagerly negotiating with the German authorities in an attempt to gain a place for France in the Third Reich's "New Order". Dès lors, il appartient au législateur d'assurer la conciliation entre le principe de fraternité et la lutte contre l'immigration irrégulière qui participe de la sauvegarde de l'ordre public, qui constitue un autre objectif de valeur constitutionnelle. The majority of French historians and all post-war French governments contend that this vote by the National Assembly was illegal. It replaced free trade unions with compulsory state unions that dictated labour policy without regard to the voice or needs of the workers. Le Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel a été créé par la loi du 17 janvier 1989 (dite « loi Tasca ») [L 1] modifiant la loi du 30 septembre 1986.Il remplace la Commission nationale de la communication et des libertés (CNCL, 1986-1989), qui remplaçait elle-même la … Elle est ensuite utilisée dans le fonctionnement même des institutions par les anciens conventionnels pour se maintenir au pouvoir, notamment lors du Coup d'État du 18 fructidor an V. C'est le général Napoléon Bonaparte qui finit par prendre le pouvoir en 1799 (après le coup d'État du 18 brumaire an VIII). By the 26th, Pétain was in the hands of French authorities in Switzerland,[148] and Laval had fled to Spain. Part of the residual legitimacy of the Vichy regime resulted from the continued ambivalence of U.S. and other leaders. Depuis le 21 septembre 1792, date de la proclamation de l'abolition de la royauté, la France a connu cinq républiques et onze constitutions ou lois constitutionnelles républicaines : Au départ, le régime républicain n'a pas constitué une évidence, même aux yeux des plus ardents révolutionnaires[1]. Among others, Nazi hunters Serge and Beate Klarsfeld spent part of their post-war effort trying to bring them before the courts. [citation needed] The French possessions in Oceania joined the Free French side in 1940, or in one case in 1942. [161] The main proponent of this view was Charles de Gaulle himself, who insisted, as did other historians afterwards, on the unclear conditions of the June 1940 vote granting full powers to Pétain, which was refused by the minority of Vichy 80. Pétain remained the head of the Vichy regime until 20 August 1944. Compared with the Jewish communities established in other countries invaded by Germany, French Jews suffered proportionately lighter losses (see Jewish death toll section above); although, starting in 1942, repression and deportations struck French Jews as well as foreign Jews. [141], Meanwhile, the Vichy regime promoted a highly traditional model of female roles. Cette phase est également caractérisée par un mouvement de libéralisation en particulier de la communication audiovisuelle (loi du 29 juillet 1982 suivie de la création des premières chaines privées) et des activités financieres (loi du 24 janvier 1984). [53], The National Assembly gives full powers to the government of the Republic, under the authority and the signature of Marshal Pétain, to the effect of promulgating by one or several acts a new constitution of the French state. Yes, it's convenient, but it is false. The latter view called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. Although the Nazi VT (Verfügungstruppe) had directed the action, French police authorities vigorously participated. Those who have murdered, robbed while armed with automatic pistol or machine gun, kidnapped children, despoiled the poor of their savings, misled the public in important matters, should be humanely and economically disposed of in small euthanasic institutions supplied with proper gasses. [174], Deportations from France did not start until summer 1942, several months after mass deportation from other countries started. They maintain that Vichy was an illegal government run by traitors, having come to power through an unconstitutional coup d'état. The concept gained great currency after 1568 with the appearance of the radical Catholic League calling for the eradication of Protestantism in France, and by 1588 the politiques were seen by detractors as … [citation needed] René Bousquet, the head of French police nominated by Vichy, exercised his power in Paris through his second-in-command, Jean Leguay, who coordinated raids with the Nazis. Some accused war criminals were judged, some for a second time, from the 1980s onwards: Paul Touvier, Klaus Barbie, Maurice Papon, René Bousquet (the head of the French police during the war) and his deputy Jean Leguay. The trial of Papon did not only concern an individual itinerary, but the French administration's collective responsibility in the deportation of the Jews. Giraud took part in the Casablanca conference, with Roosevelt, Churchill, and de Gaulle, in January 1943. In addition, leaving a French government in place would relieve Germany of the considerable burden of administering French territory, particularly as Hitler turned his attention toward Britain – which did not surrender and fought on against Germany. Of these, 357 Deputies voted in favour of Pétain and 57 against, while 212 Senators voted for Pétain, and 23 against. Under the armistice, France had been allowed to retain the French Navy, the Marine Nationale, under strict conditions. Others, particularly the Vice-Premier Philippe Pétain and the Commander-in-Chief, General Maxime Weygand, insisted that the responsibility of the government was to remain in France and share the misfortune of its people. The shortage of volunteers led the Vichy government to pass a law in September 1942 that effectively deported workers to Germany, where they constituted fifteen percent of the labour force by August 1944. [29] In part, Vichy's virulent Anglophobia was due to its leaders' personal dislike of the British, as Marshal Pétain, Pierre Laval and Admiral François Darlan were all Anglophobes. The "municipalities" and the departmental commissions were thus placed under the authority of the administration and of the prefects (nominated by and dependent on the executive power). ». Malgré les alarmes de Maximilien de Robespierre qui annonçait une dictature militaire, c’est la France elle-même qui a déclaré la guerre au « roi de Bohème et de Hongrie »(avril 1792). "It was indeed France that organised this", Macron insisted, French police collaborating with the Nazis. [citation needed], Some imply that France did too little to deal with collaborators at this stage, by selectively pointing out that in absolute value (numbers), there were fewer legal executions in France than in its smaller neighbour Belgium, and fewer internments than in Norway or the Netherlands[citation needed], but the situation in Belgium was not comparable as it mixed collaboration with elements of a war of secession: The 1940 invasion prompted the Flemish population to generally side with the Germans in the hope of gaining national recognition, and relative to national population a much higher proportion of Belgians than French thus ended up collaborating with the Nazis or volunteering to fight alongside them;[153][154] The Walloon population in turn led massive anti-Flemish retribution after the war, some of which, such as the execution of Irma Swertvaeger Laplasse, remained controversial.[155]. [50] (These acts[clarification needed] would later be annulled in August 1944.[1]). [60] After the Mers el Kebir incident, the United Kingdom recognised Free France as the legitimate government of France. German laws took precedence over French ones in the occupied territories, and the Germans often rode roughshod over the sensibilities of Vichy administrators. La France de l'Ancien Régime une société coutumière, les différents groupes sociaux n'avaient pas les mêmes droits et devoirs dans la même région et entre régions différentes. [23] Alongside this claim for a moral revolution was Pétain's call for France to turn inwards, to withdraw from the world, which Pétain always portrayed as a hostile and threatening place full of endless dangers for the French. The largest number worked in the giant Krupp steel works in Essen. Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}46°10′N 3°24′E / 46.167°N 3.400°E / 46.167; 3.400, Vichy France (French: Régime de Vichy) is the common name of the French State (État français) headed by Marshal Philippe Pétain during World War II. [22] Pétain argued that rescuing the French people from la décadence required a period of authoritarian government which would restore national unity and the traditionalist morality which Pétain claimed the French had forgotten. In particular, in Nice, "Italians had protected the Jews. This new policy was officially formulated during the January 1942 Wannsee Conference, and implemented in all European occupied countries by spring 1942. Democratic liberties and guarantees were immediately suspended. "Appliquer la politique de l'autruche" signifie donc que l'on refuse de voir le … They used every means available, promising ministerial posts to some while threatening and intimidating others. A notable example was the "Légion Française des Combattants" (LFC) (French Legion of Fighters), including at first only former combatants, but quickly adding "Amis de la Légion" and cadets of the Légion, who had never seen battle, but who supported Pétain's régime. [139] Supply problems quickly affected French stores, which lacked most items. [173], "Antisemitism was a constant theme", recalled Robert Paxton. Les résultats électoraux traduisent une instabilité politique de plus en plus marquée alors que l’ascension de l’extrême droite se poursuit en captant les réactions protestataires, notamment dans le Nord Est touché par la désindustrialisation et la réforme de la carte militaire. Conversely, Vichy France became a collaborationist regime. Collaborationists were brought to the Vélodrome d'hiver, Fresnes prison or the Drancy internment camp. Montesquieu avait distingué trois pouvoirs, exécutif, législatif et judiciaire dans son ouvrage De l'esprit des lois publié en 1748. The Free French were to arrange a voluntary ralliement by propaganda (Operation Marie) and the British were to blockade the colony. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 31 janvier 2021 à 06:24. President Roosevelt continued to cultivate Vichy, and promoted General Henri Giraud as a preferable alternative to de Gaulle, despite the poor performance of Vichy forces in North Africa—Admiral François Darlan had landed in Algiers the day before Operation Torch. 54% d'entre elles abritent moins de 500 habitants, et 7% de la population totale (en baisse depuis 40 ans). The official postwar French position was that Vichy was a German puppet state. Divorce laws were made much more stringent, and restrictions were placed on the employment of married women. Organizations such as La Cagoule opposed the Third Republic, particularly when the left-wing Popular Front was in power. Chacun a le droit d’obtenir un emploi, défendre ses intérêts par l’action syndicale, participer par l’intermédiaire de ses délégués à la détermination collective des conditions de travail. As the Wehrmacht advanced into Northern France, common prisoners evacuated from prisons were also interned in these camps. The Americans also hoped to encourage Vichy to resist German war demands, such as for air bases in French-mandated Syria or to move war supplies through French territories in North Africa. This was called the Unbesetztes Gebiet (Unoccupied zone) by the Germans, and known as the Zone libre (Free Zone) in France, or less formally as the "southern zone" (zone du sud) especially after Operation Anton, the invasion of the Zone libre by German forces in November 1942. When the policy had no effect, Wavell suggested negotiations with the Vichy governor Louis Nouailhetas, to use the port and railway. [citation needed], The Foundation was behind the 16 December 1942 Act mandating the "prenuptial certificate", which required all couples seeking marriage to submit to a biological examination, to ensure the "good health" of the spouses, in particular with regard to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and "life hygiene". These activities were strictly forbidden, and thus carried the risk of confiscation and fines. Democratic rule for the European population was restored in French Algeria, and the Communists and Jews liberated from the concentration camps. Alexis Carrel had previously published in 1935 the best-selling book L'Homme, cet inconnu ("Man, This Unknown"). Sous le régime du Consulat, la France demeure officiellement une République. Provisional Government of the French Republic, Provisional government of the French Republic, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Vichy government was internationally recognized, Armistice with France (Second Compiègne), Allied Military Government of Occupied Territories, Banque nationale pour le commerce et l'industrie, destruction of the French Fleet at Mers-el-Kebir, Japanese coup de main in French Indochina, Japanese advance in the Pacific in 1941–1942, killing 479 Allied forces and wounding 720, Comité français de la Libération Nationale, Légion des Volontaires Français contre le Bolchévisme, National Institute of Demographic Studies, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races, Union Générale des Israélites de France, Legion of French Volunteers Against Bolshevism, 33rd Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Charlemagne (1st French), Légion Française des Combattants et des volontaires de la Révolution Nationale, by 1945 it was higher than it had been for a century, Allied Military Government for Occupied Territories, Union des Démocrates pour la République, Conseil Représentatif des Institutions juives de France, Category:French collaborators with Nazi Germany, Legion des volontaires francais contre le bolchevisme, Collaboration with the Axis Powers during World War II, German occupation of France during World War II, Italian occupation of France during World War II, Military history of France during World War II, Union générale des israélites de France, Western Front (Frankreich) Area (Luftflotte 3, France), "Ordonnance du 9 août 1944 relative au rétablissement de la légalité républicaine sur le territoire continental – Version consolidée au 10 août 1944", "Le Bilan de la Shoah en France [Le régime de Vichy]", "Vichy Web – The Occupiers and Their Policies", / Australia's diplomatic relationships with Vichy: French embassy in Australia, Canada's diplomatic relationships with Vichy: Foreign Affairs Canada, "Loi constitutionnelle du 10 Juillet 1940", "Constitutional act no. and civil servants (Papon, etc.). La révolution de 1848 met fin pour toujours à la royauté des Bourbons en France. [104], In 1941, Nobel Prize winner Alexis Carrel, an early proponent of eugenics and euthanasia, and a member of Jacques Doriot's French Popular Party (PPF),[citation needed] advocated for the creation of the Fondation Française pour l'Étude des Problèmes Humains (French Foundation for the Study of Human Problems), using connections to the Pétain cabinet. Philippe Pétain was charged with treason in July 1945. He stated that if legitimacy comes from popular support, Pétain's massive popularity in France until 1942 made his government legitimate; if legitimacy comes from diplomatic recognition, over 40 countries including the United States, Canada, and China recognised the Vichy government. [19] It was asserted that just as the defeat of the Gauls in the 52 BC Battle of Alesia had been the moment in French history when a sense of common nationhood was born, the defeat of 1940 would again unify the nation. Cet article concerne l'histoire de la république en France et ses valeurs. The French forces were to remain under the overall direction of the German armed forces. La constitution de 1958 invoque une simple autorité et non un pouvoir judiciaire, affirmant l'idée d'une subordination de la justice au pouvoir politique. It is in love that our future mothers will find the strength to practise those virtues which best befit their sex and their condition. This position was more recently reiterated by Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Front Party, during the 2017 election campaign. Just as the necessities of a war economy during the First World War had pushed forward state measures to reorganise the economy of France against the prevailing classical liberal theories – structures retained after the 1919 Treaty of Versailles – reforms adopted during World War II were kept and extended. Since the early 1930s, Carrel had advocated the use of gas chambers to rid humanity of its "inferior stock"[citation needed], endorsing the scientific racism discourse. The centralised, bureaucratic control of the French economy was not a success, as German demands grew heavier and more unrealistic, passive resistance and inefficiencies multiplied, and Allied bombers hit the rail yards; Vichy made the first comprehensive long-range plans for the French economy. In North Africa, after the 8 November 1942 putsch by the French resistance, most Vichy figures were arrested, including General Alphonse Juin, chief commander in North Africa, and Admiral François Darlan. Laissez-vous inspirer par la nouvelle collection Patrizia Pepe et achetez en ligne des vêtements pour femme, homme et fille. [33] In Pétain's radio speeches, Britain was always portrayed as the "Other", a nation that was the complete antithesis of everything good in France, the blood-soaked "Perfidious Albion" and the relentless "eternal enemy" of France whose ruthlessness knew no bounds. Vichy imposed no restrictions on black people in the Unoccupied Zone; the regime even had a mulatto cabinet minister, the Martinique-born lawyer Henry Lémery. "Collaboration in wartime France, 1940–1944".
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