albeit the format was retarded to begin with. Grouped for your pleasure, to optimize your cantina efficiency and your mods distribution Of course that got me thinking how he'll be unlocked and I don't think it'll be the way we think. The exponential costs in levelling characters gains most importance in relation to character abilities and gear. Getting a ship to level 60 is relatively easy, going further costs a lot. To take a character from Level 84 to 85 costs 355,000 credits! Just check the small box to flag a ship as capital, it'll update the upgrade cost. Ships are a little cheaper to upgrade than characters. It's good strategy really. super fun to play around with. But seeing it now, it's actually a pretty small difference. Capital ships are more expensive. The cost from Level 84 to Level 85 is nearly as much as the cost from Level 1 to Level 48. You'll need. hope you're still enjoying the game after all this time; it's great to see you on this sub again! Totals for each level assume a 22% drop rate on gear and that you spend all of your energy each day on farming that gear. If you did 5 normal and 2 cantina refreshes daily it would be 40.1 days from level 80 and would take 24,057 total crystals. that wasn't obvious? So its just a week difference if 2 energy 1 cantina (41 days) vs my normal 5 energy 4 cantina (35 days), sure theres shards/mats/droids/sims in there and faster farming but the difference is not as great as i thought. If you did 5 normal and 4 cantina refreshes daily it would be 36.3 days from level 80 and would take 36,276 total crystals. However, when the ability block wears off, their special abilities will be much stronger than normal. For a capital ship it's almost 10 million (9,954,480). SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Dots/Rarities and Mod Levels Dots/Rarities. SWGOH Tools and Guides. Report Save. The maximum gear level is gear 13; and up to Relic 8. I will add 86-90 when I have the XP numbers. because that happened at all levels and with a bunch of different guilds, including mine (MEE). Facts gathered and analysis on tournaments in SWGOH From my observations (and data gathered with guildmates), tournaments are quite easy to understand, yet it's difficult to claim a good spot. /u/dozens reminded me of the leveling calculator spreadsheet we created at the last level cap increase. If you did 2 normal and 2 cantina refreshes daily it would be 47.6 days from level 80 and would take 14,284 total crystals. Edit: got to my desk and made updates. Note that only one Innova/4Game account can be transferred to each GamersFirst account, and the process. Continue this thread level 2. It also shows for each phase, what star to focus on. Disclaimer : There are a few responsive issues, sorry. You would have the advantage of doing the next tier of challenges/missions before other players but I still don't feel it's worth the crystal cost to go very high on refreshes each day. General Skywalker Readiness Darth Malak Readiness Shard Calculator Gear Tracker Alexa Skill Google Action. Below are some common refill amounts and days to reach lvl 85 if you're starting at lvl 80. Shard/Gear Farming Calculator A tool that shows you the best way to farm a toon's shards and gear and gives an estimate of the amount of time it will take to do so. I had intended on doing the math myself. i'm....really struggling to figure out how you think team instinct had anything to do with ruining the squad tournaments. Unless the max refills has changed since the level 80 update, the fastest someone should reach level 85 is 19 days. Better pick the good capital ship, because switching ain't free !! Which coincidentally is about a week more than a year after the game was released iirc. 12. share. appreciate all you do for the GoH community and the team-building advice you gave me in Feb & March, back when i was a newbie :). Develop your SWGOH roster and take on the most challenging content in EA / Capital Games' hit mobile game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Starting at level 75, it's more than 400K credits a level, and increasing quickly. Ti actually notified the devs hours after the exploit was found. 18.2K. the whole point of the squad tournament design was to reward the biggest spenders. Are the extra days at level 85 worth the increased total crystal cost for each jump? I normally just do 2+2 refreshes, since I'm a F2P player. I'm not the creator of this document, that goes to Team iNstinct. Press J to jump to the feed. The devs decided to do nothing, so the told the community about it and let everyone decide if they wanted to leap frog or not. I updated it to include levels 81-85. Better then the other team. Why blame your peers for something they have no control over, when it's clearly EA/CGs fault? Indeed : when the second cost increase happens at level 73 for characters, for ship the second break happens at level 66 ! Similar to Stars for Characters, Mod Dots or Rarities (attributed here using *) relate to a very general strength of the mod and also gating for the mod’s max stats. I'm probably better off to keep building my stockpile and buy a few mods or some new gear from shipments when they show up. We don't know exactly how the algorithm works but this may give an idea. Both lines follow the same trend at the beginning : with a break at level 53. The total cost from Level 1 to Level 85 is 6,269,478 credits. But I have a fairly good crystal reserve stocked up and am currently finishing top 1-3 in arena, so I for the last 2 days I've been doing 5+2. thanks for sharing the updated link! Right, the guild that essential SAVED EVERYONE a ton of cash for letting them know how the design was flawed. 3 years ago. Sith Eternal Emperor Lead Synergy: Sith • Dark Side Synergy: Sith • Dark Side Dark Side allies have +25% Mastery, +30% Potency, and +20 Speed, doubled for Sith allies. I've been semi-inactive for a while but decided to give the game another shot with the updates. Damn that was quick- our popularity game is stronger than ever! If you did 5 normal and 4 cantina refreshes daily it would be 36.3 days from level 80 and would take 36,276 total crystals. We use this cookie to identify and verify each user. Squad Arena is a PvP game mode in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes where players use a team of characters to climb ranks by battling against other players' AI controlled teams. Ship leveling cost calculator, for ships and capital ships. Hopefully the updates make the game more enjoyable for everyone. are you talking about the leapfrogging with guildmates that was going on? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Nice, I think that's a pretty good purchase plan. Thanks for the reminder. Disclaimer : There are a few responsive issues, sorry. I would like to see DT being useful, since I just recently brought him to g12. This is pretty informative. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. All required gear has been broken down into its farmable components and the cheapest location has been listed. You need to update the crystal values at the bottom (I’m mobile) but this is accurate otherwise. I'm doing 5 normal refills and 2 cantina refills and it's going to take me 40 days to 85. thanks for putting this together, Trent. Home Star Wars GOH SWGoH 101 SWGoH 101: The Comprehensive Mod Guide SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Dots/Rarities and Mod Levels. A few words... After giving a small try, you'll quickly see that it costs almost 5 million fleet credits to boost any ship to level 85 (precisely 4,977,240). In this article, Because there's a path to follow Despite Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes being a collection game, where owning characters from the saga is a goal, you can't get them all quickly. However the fleet credit income is scarce... Maxing a ship, at the time of writing requires dedication ! Droiddekka should be next. If you did 5 normal and 2 cantina refreshes daily it would be 40.1 days from level 80 and would take 24,057 total crystals. A set of tools for SWGOH. Mods are included in the calculation and shown by the unit portrait. In my opinion they aren't but it's up to you to decide if the extra days at max level are worth it. The biggest misconception beginner SWGoH players make is focusing only on leveling characters, believing it’s the fastest way to get them powerful. SWGoH Panic Farm Calculator BETA. After the advent of Territory battles, the need to maximize the Galactic Power (GP). After giving a small try, you'll quickly see that it costs almost 5 million fleet credits to boost any ship to level 85 (precisely 4,977,240). The one that probably provides more to the community than any others. Check Now. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. Thanks for letting us know Cash! What exactly have you done for this playerbase other than provide stupid one-liners, correct others on spellchecking, asking for advise on the official forums, and whining about being a F2P. Shard/Gear Farming Calculator A tool that shows you the best way to farm a toon's shards and gear and gives an estimate of the amount of time it will take to do so. Select the stage of the character you wish to farm, then select the options corresponding to your status : star level / shards you already own The results you'll obtain are based on a 33% drop rate, assuming all your Cantina energy is invested in farming a character until reaching maximum shards. Just check the small box to flag a ship as capital, it'll update the upgrade cost. Not sure all those crystals are worth the extra 1 week. swgoh power calculator Home; About; Schedules; News & Events; Contact Us Swgoh nightsister zombie. I mean, maybe that's not very coincidental, but I think it's neat. This document specifies the current set of DHCP options. haha did you just unironically call them nerds? Compared to characters, it's relatively easier for ships to reach level 55 (with a total cost of 344,850 fleet credits). Gives you an idea of how long it will take to reach 85 based upon your # of energy refills purchased each day. PS... these calculations are assuming that you utilize all free energy rewards and natural recharge each day. edited 3 years ago. English), how many search results you wish to have shown per page (e.g. Thanks for this.
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