Dev. The breed is also recognised by various minor kennel clubs and internet-based dog registry businesses, and is promoted as a rare breed for those seeking a unique pet. Later the name Illirian Shepherd was changed in Sarplaninac for Political reasons. The Karst is the homeland of the Karst Shepherd, a breed of dog which over the centuries the sharp bora wind has only toughened and not weakened, and which together with the herders and Karst sheep has eked out a living, while being able to maintain its noble character. Many of the health problems seen in this breed are related to its size. dfp728Slots[i].set('adsense_link_color','0000aa'); Determination of Kars Shepherd Dog raised in Turkey. It is currently recognized by the FCI in Group 2 Molossoid Breeds – Mountain Type. Please, change your search criteria and try again. He has pendant ears and a long tail and his coat is iron grey. Breed Overview . On the back part of the head it is bordered with grey or sandy or pale fawn hair overlaid with black. Velikost: okoli 70 cm Teža: okoli 50 kg Življenjska doba: od 10 do 14 let . 18/19., pages 3-9. Adoption 10 gray dog breeds (with pictures) Ex : garçon - nm > On dira "le garçon" ou "un garçon". Hypoallergenic: Unknown. window._taboola = window._taboola || []; Grooming requirements. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("sitename", "petguide_com"); Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Science. The Karst Shepherd Dog was recognized by the United Kennel Club … Pasma je zelo stara, saj naj bi obstajala okoli 600 let. Karst Shepherd Dogs are superb herders and good guards. [6], Kraševec Journal (ISSN C504-9644), 2009, vol. It is slightly longer than its height, with a sabre-like tail that reaches at least to the hocks. In its upper region, the neck has long hair, stiff and very bushy forming a mane; in its lower part, the hair is longer and more supple forming a ruff which is wider at the set of the neck. These dogs also require a significant degree of socialization because they are predisposed to being aloof or even aggressive around unfamiliar people and animals. Exceptions are possible with DLVKOS permission. Size. The average lifespan for the Karst Shepherd Dog is about 10 to 12 years which is fairly standard for a breed of its size. Caucasian mountain dog, is a guard dog from the Caucasus mountains area. The Karst Shepherd Dog is a medium sized, well-balanced, long coated dog, with a robust appearance. The biggest directory of Karst Shepherd Dog breeders in the world. Tüy Dökümü. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("folder1", "breeds"); Height: 22 to 26 inches. See dog breeds similar to Karst Shepherd . This breed requires a firm and steady hand in training – someone who will project strong authority over the dog without being cruel. The head the front edges of the ears and the front part of the legs covered with short hair. The Karst Shepherd Dog has existed for several centuries in the Slovenian region of the Karst Massif. Their hair is well furnished, long, flat, with abundant undercoat. The Caucasian Ovcharka has been recognized and classified by the Federation Cynologique Internationale (3) and the United Kennel Club (4). Personality, physical description, health, advice, photos and much more about this breed of dog: all the info about the Karst Shepherd Dog. Utilized in the Karst region as a guardian of flock for centuries, the breed is a descendant of the Greek Molos and the German Shepherd. } else { Looking at two cute dogs. } See dog breeds similar to Karst Shepherd . Berger du Karst Caractéristiques; Silhouette 25 à 42 kg Taille 54 à 63 Poil: Bien fournit, long, plat, avec un sous poil abondant Robe: Gris fer; vers le ventre et les pieds, gris clair couleur sable, avec une bringeure gris foncé sur la partie antérieure des membres. Skull is a little longer (13 to 14 cm) than the muzzle (11 to 12 cm / 4.3 to 4.7 in). Guardian Dog Group. Life span: 11-12 years. Grooming requirements. - History, characteristics and character. The Karst Shepherd is a compact sheepdog that is medium sized. True individuals, the Karst Shepherds are not the type of dog that will ‘go with the flow’, preferring instead to have things their way and be in control of situations. The Karst Shepherd Dog is native to Slovenia and is thought to be the oldest native breed. dfp728Slots[i].set('adsense_text_color','000000'); The breed standard describes the dog as having a sharp temperament and strong individuality, distrustful of strangers. 18/19., pages 3-9. The total number of Karst Shepherd Dogs is estimated around 700. The Azerbaijani Shepherd Dog is very closely related to the ancient Armenian Gamprs and generally seen as a variant of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, even though it comes in two distinct types, like the Gampr. The Caucasus mountains are home to one of the oldest living Molosser breeds, the Caucasian Mountain Dog. The Karst Shepherd is a breed that has existed for several centuries and belongs to the group of molosoids. function vsCFTaboolaHeaderNonEU() { The Karst Shepherd Dog is native to Slovenia and is thought to be the oldest native breed. })(); if ( gfchelper.isAdProviderAllowed("taboola") ) { googlefc.callbackQueue.push(function() { googletag.defineSlot('/1030735/PetGuide_com_160X600_RightBottom_PETS_Content', [160,600], 'PetGuide_com_160X600_RightBottom_PETS_Content').defineSizeMapping(googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([1024, 10], [160, 600]).addSize([642, 10], [160, 600]).addSize([0, 0], [99999, 99999]).build()).addService(googletag.pubads()); CHARACTERISTICS Courageous and valiant, but not apt to bite, the Karst Shepherd Dog is very devoted to his master and an extremely good guard dog. The Karst Shepherd Dog is a working dog that can adapt to family life, but requires a great deal of training and socialization to do so. This includes musculoskeletal issues like hip and elbow dysplasia as well as things like bloat. The Karst Shepherd Dog was renamed the Krasevec in 1968 and later separated to become the Karst Shepherd Dog. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. }); The tail and ears are hanging. The purpose of this study was to use fundoscopic examination to identify normal variations in the retinas of Kars Shepherd Dogs, which are raised in northeastern Turkey, particularly in the province of Kars and the surrounding area. Biting Potential. googletag.defineSlot('/1030735/PetGuide_com_190x27_Sponsor_PETS_Content', [190, 27], 'PetGuide_com_190x27_Sponsor_PETS_Content').addService(googletag.pubads()); The Karst Shepherd is a medium-sized, compactly built sheepdog, with a long haired, double coat. !function (e, f, u) { Satılık Kafkas Çoban Köpeği yavrularının bakımı, beslenmesi ve fiyatları hakkında tüm detaylı bilgiler'da The Karst Shepherd is a medium sized, compact sheepdog, of iron-grey color with a 10 cm long dense, double coat. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("folder2", "dog"); var src = (useSSL ? Max is an adult male Toy Poodle and Chihuahua mix from Oklahoma ... To celebrate the True North (strong and free), pick up a few of these canuck eh-ssentials for July 1. _taboola.push({article:'auto'}); vsCFTagsNonEuFunctions.push(vsCFTaboolaHeaderNonEU); The Karst Shepherd Dog may look familiar but it is unlikely that you’ve ever actually seen one. Karst Shepherd Dog is a very active dog and is not recommended for life in an apartment. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("filename", "index_html");//base path This present study was investigated the phenotypic traits of the Turkish Kars (Caucasian) Shepherd Dogs raised in Turkey comparing with some other native breeds of Turkey. f.parentNode.insertBefore(e, f); 6(3): 2127-2130. [3] The breed has also been exported to the United States, where it is recognised by The United Kennel Club in the Guardian Dog Group. The goals and purposes of this breed standard include: to furnish guidelines for breeders who wish to maintain the quality of their breed and to improve it; to advance this breed to a state of similarity throughout the world; and to act as a guide for judges. Like all large dogs, the Karst Shepherd needs to be well socialized while very young, with people if the dog is to be a companion, and with livestock if the dog is to be a guardian. vsCFTagsEUFunctions.push(vsCFTaboolaHeaderEU); .addSize([1024, 200], [728, 90]) }(document.createElement('script'), document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0], '//'); "Find similarities and differences between Bulgarian Shepherd Dog vs Karst Shepherd" Compare Bulgarian Shepherd Dog and Karst Shepherd. The Karst Shepherd Dog is an average-sized guarding and herding breed, which was created in Slovenia centuries ago. The length of the top coat is at least 10 centimetres (3.9 in). La razza è originaria nord-orientali della Turchia, ... Pablo Pascua, 7 Turkish Dog Breeds ( Native Turkish Dogs ), su Dog Breeds FAQ, 4 aprile 2019. Eğitilebilirlik . He is an impressive looking dog with a long, dense coat. Orhan Yılmaz. Extremely smart, sweet and social with wonderful… Karst Shepherds with darker gray coats will usually have a lighter gray on their legs and underside. They have kind and slightly despondent look. Orta. Feb 26, 2014 - Buy and sell electronics, cars, fashion apparel, collectibles, sporting goods, digital cameras, baby items, coupons, and everything else on eBay, the world's online marketplace .addSize([320, 400], [320, 50]) As a medium-large breed, the Karst Shepherd Dog requires a diet formulated for breeds of its size. Learn about the Karst Shepherd's Information, Temperament, Care, Grooming, Training, Activity, Feeding, Health Concerns, Average Annual Expenses, Puppy … The trunk and belly have long hair which becomes less hard on the belly. Good with other dogs. Try looking up similar dog breeds if you haven’t set your mind on the Karst Shepherd Dog breed yet. Küçük. Height at the withers for dogs is 57 to 63 cm with an ideal size of 60 centimetres (24 in), and weight is 30 to 42 kg (66 to 92.4 lbs). The Caucasian Shepherd Dog ( "Kovkasyan hovvashun", "Kavkasiuri nagazi", Arghonaq, Russian Language: ) is a breed of dog that is popular in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia (country), and North Caucasus area.. History. 3:06. Caucasian Owcharka, Caucasian Mountain Dog, Sage Ghafghazi, Georgian Nagazi, Caucasian Ovtcharka, Circassian Sheep Dog, Russian Caucasian Ovtcharka, Russian Caucasian, Russian Mountain Dog Armenian Khobun Dog, Azerbaijani Shepherd Dog, Kavkaskaia Ovtcharka, Karachay-Balkar pariy, Kavkazskaïa Ovtcharka, Kavkazskaya Ovcharka, Kars (Kafkas) Köpeği, Caucasian Sheepdog, … This study was carried out to determine the phenotypic traits of the Turkish Kars (Caucasian) Shepherd Dogs raised in Turkey comparing with some other native breeds of Turkey. Karst Shepherds are extremely protective guard dogs. Büyük. The Karst Shepherd Dog is of medium size, harmonious, robust, endowed with a well-developed musculature and a strong constitution. googletag.defineSlot('/1030735/PetGuide_com_1x1_Slimcut_PETS_Content', [1, 1], 'PetGuide_com_1x1_Slimcut_PETS_Content').addService(googletag.pubads()); [4] The total number (including puppies, sterilised dogs and dogs not suitable for breeding) of Karst Shepherds in 2008 was estimated between 600 and 700. Origin: Slovenia. Fearing inbreeding a decision was made to introduce a single male Newfoundland into the population. googletag.defineSlot('/1030735/PetGuide_com_300x250_Bottom_PETS_Mobile', [300,250], 'PetGuide_com_300x250_Bottom_PETS_Mobile').defineSizeMapping(googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([1024, 10], [99999, 99999]).addSize([642, 10], [99999, 99999]).addSize([0, 0], [300, 250]).build()).addService(googletag.pubads()); During the 20th century there were several periods when the number of Karst Shephards was low. googletag.defineSlot('/1030735/PetGuide_com_320x50_Bottom_PETS_Mobile', [320,50], 'PetGuide_com_320x50_Bottom_PETS_Mobile').defineSizeMapping(googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([1024, 10], [99999, 99999]).addSize([642, 10], [99999, 99999]).addSize([0, 0], [320, 50]).build()).addService(googletag.pubads()); Puppies of this breed require a significant amount of socialization and training, especially if they are to be kept as family companions. The Karst Shepherd Dog was developed as a sheepdog and livestock guardian, so it is naturally an aloof and independent breed. Length of body in proportion to height at withers should be no less than 9 : 8. googletag.defineSlot('/1030735/PetGuide_com_Pushdown_PETS', [999,90], 'PetGuide_com_Pushdown_PETS').defineSizeMapping(googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([1024, 10], [999, 90]).addSize([0, 0], [99999, 99999]).build()).addService(googletag.pubads()); The main duty of Kars dog is to protect the flock, its owner/shepherd and his property from predators and to avoid intruders. This breed can be a devoted family companion but will always be distrusting of strangers and can become aggressive toward unfamiliar people and animals. Tüy Yapısı. To this end, a total of 52 (34 male and 18 female) dogs was analyzed using The dark mask on the muzzle spreads on to the skull. © 2013 VerticalScope Inc. All rights reserved. The head is extremely noble with friendly, almond-shaped, dark-brown eyes and an amiable, rounded skull. Are you ready to take adorableness to the max? With a large size and robust physique, these are one of the world’s biggest and most imposing dogs, characterized by vigilance and speed. [1][2] This breed is recognised by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale. Select the area where you would like to locate Karst Shepherd Dog breeders. The hair comes in different shades of grey, from iron to silver to very dark. Keep calm and the Karst Shepherd will take care of unwanted people or animals. Females are 54 to 60 cm with an ideal size of 57 centimetres (22 in) and a weight of 25 to 37 kg (55 to 81.4 lbs). Yılmaz, O. ve Ertugrul, M. 2012. In the 1890s, Captain Max von Stephanitz, a German cavalry officer, envisi The Karst Shepherd Dog is not currently accepted by the AKC but was accepted by the United Kennel Club in 2006 and is recognized by the FCI. Length of a head is around 24 to 26 cm, width around 13 cm and length of muzzle from 11 to 12 cm. The Karst Shepherd Dog is a medium-to-large breed, standing 21 to 24 inches tall and weighing 55 to 90 pounds, on average. Find Karst Shepherd Dog breeders near me. 10 Canuck Eh-ssentials for Canadian Canines, Having the Awkward Talk About Cats Humping. Karst Shepherd Dog oliva. // mobile ads The Kars is a somewhat smaller dog than either the Kangal or the Akbash with a mean weight of 44.6 kg and a mean height at the shoulder of 72.4 cm (Kirmizibayrak, 2004; Yilmaz, 2012a). function vsCFTaboolaHeaderEU() { Mostly bred in Slovenia and Istria in Croatia. Karst Shephard and Šarplaninac were considered Type A and B of the Illyrian Shepherd Dog by the Yugoslavian Federation of Cynology for some time, leading to some cases of crossing between both breeds. Karst shepherd is medium sized muscular pastoral dog, with dense and richly iron grey hair, long around 10 centimeters. The Kars dog has a good body constitution. It's a good guard dog. }); if (typeof googlefc == "object") { Those with darker coats will have a lighter color on the legs. Without love, mutual respect and understanding, both human and dog would lose a lot. The breed was originally known as the Illyrian Shepherd and grouped together with the Shepherd of the Sarplaninia Mastiff. dfp728Slots[i].set('adsense_background_color','ffffff'); Width of skull (13 to 14 cm / 5.2 to 5.5 in) is equal to its length. TAVSAN ve KANGALL COBAN KOPEGi - RABBiT and KANGAL SHEPHERD DOG. Energetic. This breed requires moderate daily exercise as well as frequent socialization and training. Australian Cattle Dog Irk Özellikleri. I casually have access to two cars, so why not begin training my dog to jump onto them? googletag.cmd.push(function () { .addSize([480, 200], [320, 50]) !function (e, f, u) { The TKrS Dog is a protecting dog with a herd of cows, a flock of sheep and goat, but it is not a herding dog. The Karst Shepherd Dog is not an overly active breed, though he does have the stamina to work long days. Their length is between 67 and 71 cm, their weight moves from 35 to 42 kg. } googletag.defineSlot('/1030735/PetGuide_com_300x250_Top1_PETS_Content', [300,250], 'PetGuide_com_300x250_Top1_PETS_Content').defineSizeMapping(googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([1024, 10], [300, 250]).addSize([642, 10], [300, 250]).addSize([0, 0], [99999, 99999]).build()).addService(googletag.pubads()); Oyunculuk. Bulgarian Shepherd Dog vs Karst Shepherd – Which one is a better dog breed for you? The study was carried out on 50 healthy Kars Shepherd Dogs of different ages and genders. Similar Dog Breeds for Karst Shepherd. The Karst Shepherd is a large purebred from Slovenia bred to be a livestock guardian and mountain dog. Karst Shepherd and Karst Shepherd puppies - Information, Pictures and Videos. 7 were here. The Karst Shepherd is a medium sized, compact sheepdog, of iron-grey color with a 10 cm long dense, double coat. The shows are held the third weekend of July each year and now include Obedience & Rally. The Karst Shepherd Dog is of medium size, harmonious, robust, endowed with a well-developed musculature and a strong constitution. Search for dogs for adoption at shelters near Vancouver, WA. var dfpMapping728x90 = googletag.sizeMapping() The Gamprs Armenians are smaller than dogs and Georgia are shorter neck and made straight, and come in a variety of colors. f.parentNode.insertBefore(e, f); _taboola.push({article:'auto'}); JUDGING SCHEDULE - Kars Dog Club Conformation - Friday, July 20, 2018 LIMITED BREED SHOW Ring 2 Group 07 (Herding Dogs) Diane Adorno-Legrand 11:15 AM 1 Australian Shepherd 0-1-0-0 1 Border Collie 0-0-1-0 1 Bouvier des Flandres 0-0-1-0 1 Briard 0-0-1-0 2 Collie (Smooth) 0-1-0-1 5 Finnish Lapphund 1-0-4-0 4 German Shepherd Dog 0-2-1-1 Watchdog ability. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale recognises the breed in Group 2, Section 2.2 Molossoid breeds-Mountain type, number 278. dfp728Slots[i].set('adsense_border_color','ffffff'); Köpek havlamasi sesleri kangal anadolu aslanı çoban köpeği kızgın köpek havlarken urmesi videoları. Mehmet Ertugrul EDITOR Print ISSN 1715-9997 Volume 6, Number 3 MZ Khan, SENRA Academic Publishers Online ISSN 1920-3853 Oct. 2012 Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada ASSOCIATE EDITORS Errol Hassan, University of Queensland CANADIAN JOURNAL OF Gatton, Australia PURE AND APPLIED … The head is extremely noble with friendly, almond-shaped, dark-brown eyes and an amiable, rounded skull. The head is extremely noble with friendly, almond-shaped, dark-brown eyes and an amiable, rounded skull. } The breed was originally known as the Illyrian Shepherd and grouped together with the Shepherd of the … Gorgeous purebred long-haired German Shepherd puppies! To this end, a total of 52 (34 male and 18 female) dogs was analyzed using the Minitab 15 statistical software programs using ANOVA and Student's t-Test. Alopekis. German shepherds tend to be very intelligent, loyal, and trainable. It has a life span of 10 to 12 years. Alopekis Breed Information and Pictures. The Karst Shepherd is named after the Karst Plateau in Slovenia and more generally after the Karst landscape that extends to Croatia and partly in Bosnia and Herzegovina, from the Gulf of Trieste to the Dinaric Alps. Weight: 50 to 90 pounds. The Karst Shepherd Dog is a breed of medium to large mountain dogs that developed in Slovenia. The Karst Shepherd Dog has a medium-long, dense double coat. The Greek Shepherd or Greek Sheepdog (Greek: Ελληνικός Ποιμενικός, Ellinikós Pimenikós) is a breed of livestock guardian dog from Greece. var dfp728Slots = []; The hair is long and straight with dense undercoat . .addSize([320, 700], [320, 50]) The Karst Shepherd is a rare and ancient breed that is one of the oldest indigenous dog breeds of Slovenia. Enerji İhtiyacı. All colors can be seen even bicolor and tricolor. Exercise requirements. Find similarities and differences between Georgian Shepherd Dog vs Carolina Dog vs American White Shepherd. It is considered as a national treasure of the country and falls under the ‘Flock Guard’ group. Please, change your search criteria and try again. While they are a brave breed and will never back away from confrontation, they will only become aggressive if the situation warrants it, preferring to warn off intruders with their deep bark. Good with other dogs. The breed is not yet recognized by the AKC but was recognized by the UKC in 2006. La ferme était protégée par trois gros bergers. 0:15 . } The head the front edges of … } The Karst Shepherd Dog is naturally a dominant breed, so they are not a good choice for inexperienced dog owners. Determination of Kars Shepherd Dog raised in Turkey. Compare Georgian Shepherd Dog and Carolina Dog and American White Shepherd. A large-breed formula is a good choice for this dog, though some dogs do well on working breed formulas. Overview. The Karst Shepherd Dog is of medium size, harmonious, robust, endowed with a well-developed musculature and a strong constitution. "); The Karst Shepherd Dog is generally a healthy breed, though like all dogs, is prone to certain health problems. } The Anatolian Shepherd Dog is a breed of very ancient livestock guardian dogs that originated almost 6000 years back in Turkey. They are a pleasant KARS (Kars Dog, Kars Kopegi, Kars Turkish Shephard, Kars Shepherd Dog) Redke pasme psov. Mehmet Ertugrul. The Karst Shepherd Dog is of medium size, harmonious, robust, endowed with a well-developed musculature and a strong constitution. Temperament of individual dogs may vary. [5], A breeding program was accepted in 2009 to boost the number of dogs, improve their characteristics and preserve their genetic diversity. Their hair is well furnished, long, flat, with abundant undercoat. Skull is a little longer (13 to 14 cm) than the muzzle (11 to 12 cm / 4.3 to 4.7 in). KıSMeTSe oLuR. Loyal and protective, and very good team worker, this is a one-person dog, aloof and suspicious of strangers, but never unreasonably vicious or overly aggressive. ` The Karst Shepherd Dog is native to Slovenia where it is thought to be descendant from local ancestors and may be related to the German Shepherd Dog and Greek Molos. Find and adopt a pet on Petfinder today. Origin One of the most versatile and talented breeds in the world today, the German Shepherd Dog has been valued in police work, tracking, guiding the blind, drug and bomb detection, search and rescue, herding, avalanche rescue and so much more. URL consultato il 30 ottobre 2020. Oct 15, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by doggotastic. The farm was guarded by three large shepherds. The tail regularly bushy, does not form a plume. The origins of the breed are unclear, though it is thought to be an ancient breed used for livestock guarding and farm work in the area known as Slovenian Karst. var useSSL = 'https:' == document.location.protocol; The Kars takes its name from the town of Kars in Kars Province, although it is also found throughout Ardahan, Artvin, Erzurum and Iğdır provinces in eastern Turkey.. googletag.defineSlot('/1030735/PetGuide_com_300x90_Spotlight_PETS_Content', [300,125], 'PetGuide_com_300x90_Spotlight_PETS_Content').defineSizeMapping(googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([1024, 10], [300, 125]).addSize([642, 10], [300, 125]).addSize([0, 0], [99999, 99999]).build()).addService(googletag.pubads()); This breed doesn't hesitate to protect their territory so the Karst Shepherd can be a good choice if you want an excellent guard dog. The Karst Shepherd Dog is naturally a dominant breed, so they are not a good choice for inexperienced dog owners. If the breed's background is taken into consideration, and if the dog is well socialized and trained, he may make a good family dog. این نژاد سگ اصیل دارای خلق و خوی بسیار قدرتمند و مستحکمی است. Zgodovina pasme. To avoid popular sire effect every sire can father up to 3 litters, sire must be unrelated to the dam (no common great grandparents), genetic distance between them must be higher than 0.45. e.src = u; These dogs are intelligent and hard-working, but they can also be dominant at times. In the 20th century, when the landrace shepherd dogs began to be documented as a modern breed, it was first referred to as the Illyrian Shepherd (1939). Il cane Kars o Kars Caucasico o in turco Kars Çoban Köpeği è un cane pastore turco. Which is better: Georgian Shepherd Dog or Carolina Dog or American White Shepherd? On the back side of the hindquarters, the hair is even longer and bushy forming culottes. e.src = u; سگ قفقازی ( caucasian shepherd dog ) یک سگ نگهبان و بزرگ هیکل می باشد. Kraševec Journal (ISSN C504-9644), 2009, vol. }(document.createElement('script'), document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0], '//'); console.log("cf: taboola googlefc not found. Orhan Yılmaz. 18/19, Supplement, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Brief Historical Summary, breed standard (DOC file), Fédération Cynologique Internationale Group 2 (in English),, Home page of Slovenian National Club of Owners and Breeders of Karst Shepherds- DLVKOS- In Slovenian language - please use google translation, Information system for Karst Shepherds of Slovenia owned by DLVKOS and Faculty of Biotehnology of Ljubljana (University of Ljubljana)In Slovenian language,, Articles needing additional references from August 2009, All articles needing additional references, Articles containing Slovene-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 31 January 2021, at 09:04. İtaat Seviyesi. The head is large with a short, black muzzle, a strong jawline, broad almond eyes and hanging ears. deployads.push(function () { deployads.gpt.enableServices() }); (function() { '//'; •Australian Cattle Dog Boyutu - Yükseklik & Kilo : Yükseklik Erkekde 46 - 51 cm Yükseklik Dişide 43 - 48 cm Kilo Erkekde 16 - 20 Kg Kilo Dişide 16 - 20 Kg ; Australian Cattle Dog Irk Boyutu.
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